Shine God’s Light!


As disciples of Christ, we share and rejoice in the warmth of God's love and light by teaching the holy word, serving Christ's community, and growing together in faith. 


The FPC Mission Statement informs us, unites us, and guides our faith. It is intended to speak to each member of the church in a personal way and bring us together with one common purpose.

A true treasure of our church sanctuary is the stained glass window inspired by William Hunt’s painting, The Light of the World. In it, a lantern-carrying Jesus is poised to knock on a door overgrown with foliage. The door has no handle and therefore cannot be opened from the outside, but – rather – must be opened from within. As Presbyterians, we believe that God is always reaching out to us in myriad ways so it might be possible for us to hear and understand God’s intention for us. It is only by opening the door and embracing God’s light that our hearts may be exposed to the transforming power of God’s love. With open hearts, we can do this in times of joy, in times of sadness – any time at all.

We also actively share and rejoice in God’s love and light through the activities of learning and teaching. Learning is intrinsic to teaching. We are taught as children, we are taught as adults, we teach our children, and we teach each other. We learn when we are taught, and – importantly, we learn through teaching others. This lifelong learning is vital to FPC. Teaching the holy word, or Scripture, is not confined to Sunday services, nor is it reserved for just the clergy. Presbyterian tradition makes it clear that ministry (teaching) is the work of the whole church and Priesthood is an office of every member of the church.

Each of us is uniquely gifted by God, and it is through the sharing of our gifts, and the light of the Holy Spirit, that we serve in Christ’s name. Through Christ’s example, serving Christ’s community is inclusive of our FPC brothers and sisters, nearby communities, the entire world, and all people.

As a community of faith, we support each other and strengthen our bond with Christ. Together, we “grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ” (2 Peter 3:18).