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Christmas Eve Worship Services

Welcome to our Christmas Eve services, as we celebrate the birth of our Savior, Jesus Christ!

4:00 p.m. A jam-packed sanctuary and a LOT of energy as our children re-enact the Christmas story, sing the songs of the season, and conclude with a very boisterous rendition of “Joy to the World!" And, of course, featuring a new “actor” playing the Baby Jesus!

8:00 p.m. This traditional service of lessons and carols will feature the familiar scriptures of the birth of our Lord, with inspirational music by the Chancel Choir and the lighting of the Christ candle. We will share in the singing of “Silent Night” as our sanctuary fills with light as the glow of candlelight passes from one to another. Then, we conclude with the triumphant strains of “Joy to the World!" Worship bulletin

10:00 p.m. This meditative service of lessons and carols will feature the familiar scriptures of the birth of our Lord, accompanied by inspirational instrumental and vocal music. Quiet carols and prayers will inspire. At the conclusion of the service, we will leave with the strains of “Silent Night” and the glow of candlelight warming our hearts with the deep joy of the season. Worship bulletin

Earlier Event: December 19
Blue Christmas Worship Service
Later Event: January 5
VIM Multi-Media Show and Dinner